L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训


为有学习障碍的学生提供最新资讯及研究实践, 注意力缺陷多动症, 或自闭症. 它们的成本效益很高, efficient way to provide professional development to individuals 和 school communities.


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  • The New Accessibility in Higher Education: A Panel Discussion (free)

    博士主持. 凯瑟琳·阿基诺助理教授 & 行政部门助理主席 & 教学领导,St. 约翰的大学.

    最近的国家和国际事件(例如.g., 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 社会正义运动, expansion of artificial intelligence in education) have altered how higher education conceives of accessibility. 加入即将出版的《亚洲博彩平台排名》一书的撰稿人(将于2025年由牛津大学出版社出版), for a discussion about how barriers to access were identified 和 how accessibility was reimagined 和 improved. The panel discussion will conclude with a brief question-和-answer time.

    亚当·拉洛博士.D., Vice President for Neurodiversity 研究 和 Innovation, L和mark College
    艾米丽·赫尔夫特,艾德.S., Assistant Director of 专业发展, L和mark College
    柯尔斯滕·贝林博士.D., Associate Dean of Student Accessibility 和 Academic Resources, Tufts University


    Complete a short form to access a FREE recording of the webinar by clicking the button below: 

  • Improving Disability Services Websites: Tips 和 Suggestions for Reaching Students

    我们都知道, many students with disabilities do not register with postsecondary disability 服务 offices. 缺乏注册和披露的一个常见解释是,残疾学生不确定如何注册/披露. 残障服务网站是入学学生和未来学生寻求残障相关住宿信息的门户, 服务, 以及高校的政策. 基于最近的三项全国性研究, 演讲者已经确定了机构网站上关于残疾服务和项目的信息存在重大差距. 加入我们,讨论如何改善我们的残疾服务网站,并听取建议和建议,以更好地接触残疾学生.

    主持人: Manju Banerjee博士.D.亚当·拉洛博士.D.

  • Removing Barriers to Learning: Reducing Cognitive Load in the Classroom (free!)

    主持人: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki, Ph.D.

    描述学生在课堂上挣扎的原因有很多,通常是由于与某一课的学习目标无关的因素. 这些学习障碍通常是微妙的,对那些没有亲身经历过的人来说很少是明显的. 本次网络研讨会将介绍残疾学生和其他学习困难的学生所面临的一些最常见的不必要的认知负荷. 参与者将了解这些负担如何影响学生的表现,并学习一些可以用来减少这些负担和提高学习者表现的策略.



  • Destination Education: Supporting Students with Learning Differences in the College Search

    推荐者: 亚当·拉洛博士.D.


    Are you interested in supporting students with learning differences during the college 搜索 process? 在这个演讲中,一位前亚洲博彩平台排名官(和目前的L和mark College Institute for 研究 和 培训的工作人员)将讨论一些技巧,你可以用这些技巧来帮助你的学生克服学习差异,因为他们面临着常见的大学寻找障碍.

  • 高中和大学STEM教具:非数学家如何支持学生的理解和计算

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    在基础教育中,教具通常用于在数学和科学课堂上向学生介绍概念, but as students progress in their education these tools are typically phased out. 本节课将提供一个框架和一些使用教具的例子,以支持在中学和高等教育阶段挣扎的学习者. 参与者将学习如何帮助学生更好地理解这些STEM学科的关键概念,并熟练掌握计算.


  • Aiding the Executive Function “Conductor”: Practical Strategies for Student EF

    推荐者: 里克·布里克博士.D.

    We will explore the metaphor of Executive Function (EF) as orchestra conductor. 即, EF helps increase functions that are too quiet (“activation”), it tamps down sections that are too loud (“inhibitory control”), 和 it keeps track of the timing 和 content of all the individual players (“working memory”). 那是一大堆要处理的工作, 有时,指挥家需要帮助——实用的工具来支持学生在这三个EF(激活)领域的活动, 抑制, 和 working memory) will be demonstrated in this webinar.


  • Underst和ing 和 Removing Math Barriers: How Non-Mathematicians Can Help Students with LD, 注意力缺陷多动症, 和自闭症

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    Why do students with a wide variety of strengths 和 challenges struggle with math content? Why do students perform well in some mathematics courses but not others? Can students with math-specific LD achieve proficiency or even mastery in math? This webinar will explore the various cognitive barriers that cause students with LD, 注意力缺陷多动症, 自闭症患者在数学和科学课堂上挣扎. 与会者将学习如何在课堂外支持学生,以提高他们的学习成绩. 本课程是为教师和学术支持人员设计的,不需要具备专业的数学知识.


  • Riding the Waves: How to Use the Science of Emotion Regulation to Facilitate Successful Learning

    推荐人:Cyrus Shaoul博士.D.

    你见过学生情绪化的表现吗, self-sabotaging 和 seemingly irrational behaviors when faced with academic stress? Poor emotion regulation is often found in students with learning differences. 强烈的情绪状态, 比如焦虑, can profoundly influence key cognitive processes that, 反过来, 会严重阻碍学习. Negative classroom experiences associated with poor emotional regulation can lead students to dropout of school. 本次网络研讨会涵盖了当前对情绪-认知调节的神经生物学过程的科学理解以及它们如何影响行为. We will focus on practical ideas 和 best practices as we delve into emotion regulation strategies, particularly one of the most promising 和 teachable strategies, 认知重新评价.


  • The Challenge of Learning a Second Language: Teaching Students who Learn Differently

    推荐者: 琳达·赫克,硕士.Ed.

    这个网络研讨会解决了一个令人困惑的问题:是什么让一些学生学习第二语言变得异常困难. It explores the re搜索 literature on issues such as:

    • What is the cognitive basis of language learning: how do language, memory 和 attention interact?
    • Why do at-risk students fail foreign language classes?

    本次网络研讨会将通过介绍从认知角度解释第二语言学习困难的理论框架的最新想法来研究这些问题. 该课程包括模拟第二语言学习困难,旨在让教师对学生的挑战有深刻的见解和同理心. It also proposes recommendations for effective second language instruction based on re搜索, 文献综述, 以及在L和mark College非常成功的外语课程中发展起来的近30年的课堂实践. 它包括构建外语课程的建议以及具体的课堂方法和材料.


  • 执行功能在学术阅读中的作用

    推荐者: 琳达·赫克,硕士.Ed.

    This webinar explores the specific impact of executive function difficulties on academic reading, 包括阅读耐力, 量阅读, 批判性阅读. We will offer instructional strategies to improve reading comprehension 和 retention, 关注信息文本. 传统的多感官方法和技术工具都将被视为支持更有效阅读的方法.


  • Changing Students’ Mindsets: A “Must Know” for All Educators

    主持人: Manju Banerjee博士.D.

    近年来, Carol Dweck及其同事的研究表明,从固定心态到成长型心态的转变可以促进积极的学习成果,这一研究引起了越来越多的关注. 这项研究的意义是巨大的, 从专上阶段的新生辅导和残疾服务学生入学,到中学阶段的iep写作. 根据我们自己的经验,在向大学项目过渡的三周内,对有风险的高中生进行心态转变干预(2015年), 我们将分享关于如何在课堂教学中实施“思维框架”元素的研究成果和见解, 残疾服务学生入学, 写作中的项目, 和更多的.


  • 使用思维导图软件促进写作

    推荐者: 易卜拉欣Dahlstrom-Hakki博士.D.

    Creating a useful outline for academic writing is a difficult task for many students, particularly those with executive function difficulties 和 language-based learning disabilities. Many students don’t know where to start 和 how to organize their thoughts. 思维导图应用程序提供了一个强大的解决方案,帮助学生将他们的想法转化为易于操作的视觉格式.

